

“The burden of drug abuse is becoming a public health concern in Nigeria”

What is a Drug?

A drug is a medicine or any other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. It is a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.

What is Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse is a disorder which involves the use of a drug in amounts or by methods which are harmful to the individual or others. There are different definitions of drug abuse which are used in public health, medical and criminal justice contexts. It is an illness characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems or distress, including tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance.

Drug Abuse in Nigerian Youths

Drug Abuse is the prominent reason why a lot of Nigerian youths are being incarcerated as well as being a major source of crime and heath problems in the society this is because criminal or anti-social behavior occurs when the person is under the influence of a drug in some cases. Drug abuse is also a major public health, social and  individual  problem.

While the youth are supposed to be  the  major  agent  of  change and development, some of them have been destroyed by drug abuse. Make no mistake about it, the causes of drug abuse are not always the same for every victim or addict. They vary for different reasons; Social or Personal.

Causes of Drug Abuse

There are two main factors that have resulted in abuse of drugs among the youth; Depression and most prominently Social Factors which may include:

  • The decline of family value systems
  • Parents not playing their roles properly
  • Children and youth therefore not receiving proper guidance,
  • Peer pressure
  • Social media influence
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment

Solutions to Drug Abuse

It has been shown that drug abuse is becoming a menace in Nigeria with youths mostly affected. Studies have proven that drug abuse affects the individual socially,  physically and mentally. Abuse of some drugs increase the risk of psychosis in people that are prone to mental illness.

The primary goals of drug-use disorder treatment (also called recovery) are abstinence, relapse prevention, and rehabilitation. In addition to these;

  • Parents should be more supportive and pay attention to their children’s behavior and demeanor.
  • Schools should sensitize their students on the effect of drug abuse
  • Aggressive federal, state and local campaigns should be carried out to sensitize the communities
  • Drug stores should ensure they enforce the need for prescription before any purchase of complex drugs
  • Rehabilitation should be made compulsory for drug abusers
  • There should be support groups within the community to helps these drug abusers

We at Witcon Clinic understand that drug abuse among the youth can be managed effectively if enough care is put into it. which is why we have a dedicated team of health care professionals always ready and willing to support you throughout the rehabilitation and recovery journey.

Contact us for more information on how to recover from drug abuse.